Kia Oval, London

Voice Alarm Project

Voice Alarm Specialists t. 01440 730948
© Professional Sound Consultancy Ltd. 2024
Since opening in 1845 the Kia Oval has been the home ground of Surrey  County Cricket Club. This prestigious international cricket ground has been  the home of major sporting events for generations and is where the Ashes  were born in 1882. Professional Sound Consultancy have been working with the Kia Oval  since 2015, carrying out a rolling upgrade of the existing voice alarm/public  address system. In 2016 Professional Sound Consultancy designed, supplied and installed  loudspeaker coverage within the newly developed Peter May stand,  including the installation of 100V line loudspeakers, active steerable line  array loudspeakers, additional amplification and modifications to the  control equipment.
Following the successful completion of the Peter May stand  Professional Sound Consultancy were asked to enhance the  loudspeaker coverage within the adjoining OCS Gas stand. Due  to the absence of a roof the use of traditional passive 100V line  loudspeakers was not possible. As with the Peter May stand,  smaller high quality PanBeam PB08 active line array  loudspeakers were proposed by means of a demonstration on  site. The installation was carried out utilising bespoke brackets  constructed for each line array that were mounted at the rear of  the stand.   Compliance with BS5839-8:2013 was paramount with the use of  fire rated cabling, full critical signal path monitoring and the  provision of a local rack comprising of chargers and batteries to  power the line array loudspeakers. The Gas stand project was completed within the constraints of  the demanding project programme in time for the start of the  new season, providing spectators with enhanced audio  coverage and the knowledge that their safety is of upmost  importance to the venues’ organisers. Professional Sound Consultancy Ltd continue to provide service  and maintenance and further enhancements to the voice  alarm/public address system and look forward to a long working  relationship with the Kia Oval.